Men's Hair & Grooming

Beard Pamper

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Price from

45 min
Starting price. Beard shape + Beard mask + hot towel razor shave + moisturising + complimentary beer
Maria Dillon
Grand Royal Barbers
397 Liverpool St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010


This package is designed to provide men with a complete grooming experience that includes shaping and conditioning the beard, a relaxing hot towel razor shave, and moisturizing the skin to leave it feeling soft and smooth. The beard shape involves trimming and shaping the beard to create a well-defined and clean look. The beard mask is used to condition the beard and nourish the skin underneath, while the hot towel razor shave helps to remove any stubble or unwanted hair and leaves the skin feeling refreshed. Moisturizing is an essential part of the package, as it helps to hydrate the skin and reduce any irritation or dryness caused by the shaving process. A complimentary beer is also included, providing a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Overall, this grooming package is an excellent option for men who want to look and feel their best and enjoy a luxurious and indulgent grooming experience.



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